Center For Weight Loss Surgery At Los Robles Hospital & Medical Center Now Offering “gastric Sleeve” To Patients Who Are Morbidly Obese

The Laparoscopic Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy procedure (also known as Gastric Sleeve) involves surgically narrowing the stomach to the width of a garden hose. The resulting small, narrow stomach helps patients eat much smaller portions of food. Food consumed passes through the digestive tract in pure garcinia cambogia the usual order, where it is fully absorbed in the body with no need to take protein supplements as in gastric bypass surgery. In addition, the procedure is shown to result in decreased hunger after surgery. We are excited to offer the Gastric Sleeve to our patients in order to help them significantly improve their quality of life.
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Food for Thought: Dieting for Weight Loss


The thing is, many individuals feel hungry (reallyhungry) after working out and may eat poorly the rest of the day. There goes all that hard work!Dr. Klein points out another problem, If the exercise made you tired so that you become more sedentary the rest of the day, you might not experience any net negative energy. With all those facts, why exercise at all? Physical fitness is important for maintaining muscle mass and weight as well as repairing the metabolism.
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